
You may also find and follow my work on Google Scholar or Research Gate.

Journal Articles (peer-reviewed)

[27] Rapp, Carolin. 2022. The bond that binds or drives us apart? An empirical test of the national identity argument in three countries. European Political Science Review 14(3): 296–314.

[26] Fernandez-i-Marin, Xavier, Carolin Rapp, Christian Adam, Oliver James and Anita Manatschal. 2021. “Discrimination against Mobile EU Citizens before and during the first Covid-19 lockdown: Evidence from a Conjoint Experiment in Germany”. European Union Politics 22(4): 741-761.

[25] Adam, Christian, Xavier Fernandez-i-Marin, Oliver James, Anita Manatschal, Carolin Rapp, and Eva Thomann. 2021. “Free movement, EU-citizenship, and bureaucracy: Discrimination against Mobile EU Citizens”. Journal of European Public Policy 28(5): 742-760.

[24] Shore, Jennifer, Carolin Rapp, and Daniel Stockemer. 2020. “Health and political efficacy in context: What is the role of the welfare state?” International Journal of Comparative Sociology 60(6): 435-457.

[23] Eikemo, Terje A., Jonathan Hall, and Carolin Rapp. 2019. “Does Individual Health Have Implications for Individuals’ Attitudes towards Minority Groups? A Case Study from the Greek Population”. Journal of Refugee Studies 32(Special_Issue1): i209-i218.

[22] Rapp, Carolin, Valentina Cardozo, Terje A. Eikeomo, and Theoni Stathopoulou. 2019. “Experiences of Discrimination and Self-reported Health”. Journal of Refugee Studies 32(Special_Issue1): i80-i91.

[21] Meidert, Nadine, and Carolin Rapp. 2019. “Public Attitudes towards Refugees in Germany. What drives attitudes towards refugees in comparison with immigrant workers from EU countries?” Journal of Refugee Studies 32(Special_Issue1): i238-i252.

[20] Stockemer, Daniel, and Carolin Rapp. 2019. “The influence of various measures of health on different types of political participation”. Politics 39(4): 480-513. 

[19] Kijewski, Sara, and Carolin Rapp. 2019. “Moving Forward? How War Experiences, Inter-Ethnic Attitudes, and Inter-Group Forgiveness Affect the Prospects for Political Tolerance in Post-War Sri Lanka”. Journal of Peace Research, online first. 

[18] Rapp, Carolin, Kijewski, Sara, and Markus Freitag. 2019. “The Tolerance of Tamils:  War-related Experiences, Psychological Pathways, and the Probability of Granting Civil Liberties to Former Enemies”. The Journal of Politics 81(4): 1328-1341.

[17] Gesthuizen, Maurice, Daniel Kovarek, and Carolin Rapp. 2019. “Extrinsic and Intrinsic Work Values: Findings on Equivalence in Different Cultural Contexts”. ANNALS of the Academy of Political and Social Science 682(1): 60-83. 

[16] Eikemo, Terje A., Anna Gkiouleka, Carolin Rapp, Sigrid Skjønne Utvei, Tim Huijts, and Theoni Stathopoulou. 2018. “Non-communicable diseases in Greece: inequality, gender, and migration”. European Journal of Public Health 28 (5): 38-47.

[15] Rapp, Carolin, Karin Ingold, and Markus Freitag. 2018. “Personalized Networks? How the Big Five Personality Traits Influence the Structure of Egocentric Networks.” Social Science Research 77: 148-160. 

[14] Tosun, Jale.  José L. Arco‑Tirado,  Maurizio Caserta, Zeynep Cemalcilar, Markus Freitag, Felix Hörisch, Carsten Jensen, Bernhard Kittel, Levente Littvay, Martin Lukeš, William A. Maloney, Monika Mühlböck, Emily Rainsford, Carolin Rapp, Bettina Schuck, Jennifer Shore, Nadia Steiber, Nebi Sümer, Panos Tsakoglou, Mihaela Vancea, and Federico Vegetti. 2018. “Perceived economic self‑sufficiency: a country- and generation‑comparative approach” European Political Science 18(3): 510-531.

[13] Rapp, Carolin, Tim Huijts, Terje Andreas Eikemo. 2018. “Social integration and self-reported health: differences between immigrants and natives”. European Journal of Public Health 28 (5): 48-53.

[12] Rapp, Carolin. 2018. “National Attachments and the Immigrant Participation Gap”.  The Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 46(13): 2818-2840.

[11] Thomann, Eva, and Carolin Rapp. 2018. “Who Deserves Solidarity? Unequal treatment of Immigrants in Swiss Welfare Policy Delivery”. Policy Studies Journal  46(3): 531-552.

[10] Rapp, Carolin, Shore, Jennifer, and Jale Tosun. 2018. “Not so Risky Business? How Social Policies Shape the Perceived Feasibility of Self-employment”. Journal of European Social Policy 28(2):  143-160.

[9] Rapp, Carolin. 2017: “Shaping Tolerant Attitudes towards Immigrants: The Role of Welfare State Expenditures”. Journal of European Social Policy 27(1): 40-56.

[8] Rapp, Carolin. 2016. “Moral Opinion Polarization and the Erosion of Trust”. Social Science Research 58(1): 34-45.

[7] Rapp, Carolin, and Kathrin Ackermann. 2016: “The Consequences of Social Intolerance on Non-Violent Protest Behavior”. European Political Science Review  8 (4): 567-588.

[6] Rapp, Carolin. 2015: “More Diversity, less Tolerance? The Effect of Type of Cultural Diversity on the Erosion of Tolerance in Swiss Municipalities”. Ethnic and Racial Studies 38(10): 1779-1797.

[5] Freitag, Markus, and Carolin Rapp. 2015: “The Personal Foundations of Political Tolerance Toward Immigrants”. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies  41(3): 351-373.

[4] Rapp, Carolin, and Markus Freitag. 2015: “Teaching Tolerance? Associational Diversity and Tolerance Formation”. Political Studies 63(5): 1031–1051.

[3] Rapp, Carolin, Traunmueller, Richard, Freitag, Markus, and Adrian Vatter. 2014: “Moral Politics: The Religious Factor in Referenda Voting”. Politics & Religion 7(2): 418-443.

[2] Freitag, Markus, and Carolin Rapp. 2013: “Intolerance toward Immigrants in Switzerland. Diminished Threat through Social Contacts?”. Swiss Political Science Review 19(4): 425-446.

[1] Kirchner, Antje, Freitag, Markus, and Carolin Rapp. 2011: “Crafting Tolerance: The Role of Institutions in a Comparative Perspective”. European Political Science Review 3(2): 201-227.

Book Chapters

[4] Rapp, Carolin and Kerstin Nebel. 2021. “Dependently Independent: Intergenerational Transmission of Values, Attitudes, and Resources in Switzerland”, in Jale Tosun, Daniela Pauknerová and Bernhard Kittel (eds.), Intergenerational Transmission and Economic Self-Efficiency. Palgrave Macmillan, chapter 7.

[3] Mantaschal, Anita and Carolin Rapp. 2015: “Welche Schweizer wählen die SVP und warum?” In: Markus Freitag and Adrian Vatter (eds.), Wahlen und Wählerschaft in der Schweiz.  Zürich: NZZ Verlag (forthcoming).

[2] Rapp, Carolin. 2014: “Je mehr, desto besser? Der Effekt unterschiedlicher Immigrantenanteile auf die Toleranz gegenüber Immigranten in der Schweiz”. In: Karin Schnebel (ed.): Europäische Minderheiten. Im Dilemma zwischen Selbstbestimmung und Integration. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 261-296. 

[1] Freitag, Markus and Carolin Rapp. 2014: “Die Duldung des Falschen: Toleranz als soziales Kapital”. In: Markus Freitag (Hrsg.): Das soziale Kapital der Schweiz. Zürich: Verlag Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 213-237.


[1] Rapp, Carolin. 2015: “Toleranz gegenüber Immigranten in der Schweiz und in Europa. Empirische Analysen zum Bestand und den Entstehungsbedingungen im Vergleich”. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Book Review

[1] Rapp, Carolin. 2015. Book Review: “La politique contestataire du chômage en Suisse. Etat‐providence, opportunités et revendications politiques.” Authored by: Giugni, Mario, Michel Berclaz and Katharina Füglister. Swiss Political Science Review,  21(1):  193-195.